I don't have a pest problem. Why do I need you?
If you own a business, you have a legal obligation to ensure your premises stay free of pests. Every building is susceptible to possible Pest infiltration. Norwich Pest Control can help you maintain your already high standards.
We're a small business, can you help us?
Of course we can! Norwich Pest Control has been servicing local businesses large and small since 1999
I'm worried about Health & Safety. Do you comply with latest requirements?
Yes we do. You can read all about our Health and Safety procedures here
Are bait points included in the contract?
Yes they are. Though all bait points remain the property of Norwich Pest Control
How often will you visit our premises?
It depends on the type of pest we're dealing with but the average rodent control contract is 8 visits per contract year.
What do you mean by flexible contracts?
We want you to stay with us because you want to, not because of a long term contract. Therefore, whilst we have contracts to define the scope of our agreement, our contracts are only for a one year term.