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Fact file for treating Wasp
- Treatment Type: Residual powder based spray
- Number of visits: 1
- Cost: request a quote
- Response Time: Same Day/Next day

Life Cycle
The queen lays eggs in individual brood cells, which hatch into grubs. These are fed on mainly an insect diet until they pupate. Infertile female workers emerge from pupation and soon start to carryout a variety of duties inside and outside the nest.
Towards the end of the year the queen produces eggs that hatch into drones and fertile females (New queens). These are raised in much larger cells. The drones and new queens leave the nest and mate.
As winter approaches the first frosts kills the workers, drones and old queen. Leaving the new queens to hibernate in sites protected from the harsh winter weather.
Wasps are aerial killers and spend most of their time hunting other insects in order to feed the grubs in the nest. As a result they can be beneficial. However, they defend their nest fiercely, and will sting victims repeatedly.
Stings can be painful and in extreme cases medical attention may be required for anaphylactic shock.
Damage to ceiling plaster also can occur as the nest grows from a small golf ball to a football in size.
If you're a resident of Norwich, Norfolk and need assistance for the safe removal of Wasp, please call Norwich Pest Control on 01603 744556, or send an email.
Wasp Nest Removal Norwich
Norwich Pest Control can safely remove your wasps nest from your home or business premises. We operate in the Norwich area and our pest control operatives cover all of Norfolk.
The treatment of Wasps will be carried out using a residual powder based spray which is injected directly into the nest or to the entry point e.g. under tiles/fascia hole in wall/ground etc. This powder is picked up on the wasp's body as it returns, and is then carried back into the nest. Wasps inside the nest come into contact with the returning insects and the dust is past to each other. A single Treatment will kill every adult within the nest including the queen. Treatment usually takes 1-2 days to be 100% effective. Removal of the nest is not required, as the wasps never use the same nest twice.
There are no benefits of removing old or treated nests.
The chemical, Ficam D (contains Bendiocarb), provides residual control that will last for approx 4 weeks depending on weather conditions outside. Wasps choose the site because it is a good location as the property remains a good location year in year out, future queens may also build there.
Unfortunately, not much can be done to prevent wasps choosing your property.
About the Wasp
These are social insects that live in colonies. Only new queens will survive the winter emerging in the spring to start a new nest.
In spring the queen wasps investigate numerous nest sites.
Deciding on one she begins to build.
Chewed up wood mixed with saliva is used to construct a golf ball sized nest in this the first brood chambers are produced comprising of hexagonal downward facing cells.
By the summer, the average nest resembles a football in size and contains 5000 to 8000 workers.
Nests are often located in lofts, cavity walls in sheds and in the ground.
DIY Pest Control
If you're considering treating the pest problem yourself, here are some pointers to bear in mind
- Our pest control treatments are fit for purpose, and far stronger than any off the shelf treatments. Similar to off the shelf medicines, a prescription drug from your GP would be significantly stronger and more effective
- Our treatments are effective and affected areas are treated by trained staff
- Off the shelf treatments will most likely be temporary at best. Hiring a pest control company will save you money in the long term.